Asset Management
Forma Futura is an independent discretionary asset management company. Since the company’s foundation in 2006, we have been investing our clients' assets according to an extensive set of sustainability criteria. This produces a twofold effect: a positive contribution to the sustainable transformation of the economy and society – and at the same time a standard market return.
Forma Futura offers asset management services for private clients, charitable foundations, family offices, corporate clients and pension funds. For each client, we establish tailored individual portfolios in which all the investments meet the strict criteria of our investment selection process. As a result, the money is invested in economically sound companies that have structures, processes and products that protect and improve the living conditions of present and future generations.
Sustainable Investments
Forma Futura makes sustainable long-term investments in companies that meet all of the strict criteria of our investment selection process. Investments are made only in liquid, exchange-traded securities. Preference is given to direct investments in stocks and bonds. For reasons of diversification, targeted sustainable equity funds may also be used.
Individual Investment Profile
Based upon an analysis of each client's risk capacity and risk appetite, Forma Futura offers different individual investment profiles in Swiss francs and Euros. Depending upon the chosen strategy, the equity component can range between 0 and 100 percent. Individual portfolios start from approximately CHF 500'000.
Comprehensive Reporting
Asset management with Forma Futura includes detailed reporting. In addition to a statement of portfolio performance, we also report on the sustainability performance of as well as the key financial figures of the companies and funds held in the portfolio.
Exercising Active Shareholders' Rights
Another service we provide our clients is the voting recommendations for the shareholders' meetings of Swiss companies. The exercise of shareholder voting rights is an essential tool for influencing the sustainable development of enterprises.
Would you like to find out more?
We are happy to hear from you! +41 44 287 22 85

Patrick Spengler
Deputy Head Private Clients/Foundations
«I am pleased to share Forma Futura’s many years of experience in the field of sustainable asset management with our customers. I am convinced that investors, through their investment behaviour, can make a major contribution to ensuring a sustainable quality of life. We are of course very pleased that responsible investment is becoming increasingly important among investors as well as regulators.»